Certified Data Analytics (R) Specialist

Certified Cloud Computing Specialist

Certified Deep Learning Specialist

Certified Internet of Things Specialist
A badge issued through Acclaim is a digital representation of a learning outcome, experience or competency. It can be shared and verified online in a way that is easy and secure. They can be shared across the Internet for maximum visibility and recognition. You can embed your badge to a website, email signature, resume or social network. Employers and other interested parties can easily view and verify your credential and the skills and experience required to earn it.
Acclaim is a badging platform by Credly. Credly is leading the digital credential movement, making talent more visible and opportunity more accessible.
If you've been issued a badge, it's because you've earned recognition for a learning outcome, credential, association or professionally-relevant achievement. Take credit for your abilities and increase your chances of being noticed by your network and potential employers by displaying your badge over LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other online destinations.
Your digital badge is linked to your profile on the Credly site. Each certificate and profile has a unique URL which will display your badge information if you choose to share it online.
No, your digital badge is awarded to the name and email address you used to complete your certification program. If someone were to copy the badge image, it would be unverified and invalid. If you encounter any individual who appears to be misusing the digital badge image or your unique URL, please contact us at info@gicttraining.com
Undergoing GICT’s certification program and by fulfilling the requirements.
Yes, you will be able to claim multiple badges for each program you successfully complete.
An email notification will be sent to you within 2 weeks upon successful completion of the program requirements. Undergoing GICT’s certification program and by fulfilling the requirements.